Susan Taylor is the founder and director of Tailormade Training Solutions. An HCPC registered and qualified Social Worker with over 20 years experience, she is also a successful trainer and college lecturer with clients in local authorities, private and voluntary sector organisations/agencies.
Her clients include:
- Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships
- Local Authorities
- Schools, Nurseries and Childminders
- Charities
- Multi Academy Trusts
- Faith groups
- Community groups
- Universities
- Foster Carers
- Leisure Centre staff
- Further Education Colleges
- Youth groups
- Alternative Education Provisions
Susan is an NSPCC Accredited Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Trainer and has played a lead role in the design and facilitation of innovative and tailor-made packages of support to assist clients to understand and fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities.
She is also an Accredited Safer Recruitment Trainer whose masterclasses are commissioned by a number of organisations nationally.
Susan has been an Independent member of a London Local Authority Fostering Panel for the last 10 years and has a deep interest in children’s experience of the care system. She is a Local Authority Foster Carer carer and sits on a Local Authority Autism Partnership Board.
susan’s training courses
- Reflect the rights of children and ensure their welfare is paramount
- Include statistical information to highlight an increase in child abuse
- Are influenced by children’s legislation and guidance
- Promote the value of people working together to protect children from harm
- Are supported by comprehensive handout packs which include a copy of any presentations used during the training and supporting materials used, e.g. references, excerpts, useful websites etc.
Personalised certificates of attendance are distributed to the delegates at the end of each masterclass.